Monday, February 25, 2008

The boys

Yesterday Austin, Chris and me were walking to Chris's house. before we got to his house we stoped at texico and bought a whole box of taffy. After we bought a whole box of taffy we headed of o Chris's house. After we got there we played some video games. Austin wanted to lift some weigh so we went over to Chris's benchpress and Austin benched 185 pounds it was crazy! After all the fun my dad came and got me and took me home.


@nthony said...

i liked your writing because it sounded like a fun day

Tayy said...

It looks likes u had tons of fun! Ha I like this one cuz it is very explanitory.

Emma said...

I liked this entry because it sounds like you had a lot of fun that day, and taffy is pretty good, nice choice.


patrick p said...

Looked like you got a sweet tooth that day because sugar is bad for your teeth.