Monday, February 25, 2008

The boys

Yesterday Austin, Chris and me were walking to Chris's house. before we got to his house we stoped at texico and bought a whole box of taffy. After we bought a whole box of taffy we headed of o Chris's house. After we got there we played some video games. Austin wanted to lift some weigh so we went over to Chris's benchpress and Austin benched 185 pounds it was crazy! After all the fun my dad came and got me and took me home.

The battle of the Zots

One day the Zots were walking down the sidewalk when all of a sudden the evil Stoz came out of his crib and started throwing marshmellows at them. The Zots then dived behind a car for cover. Zots 1 and 2 pulled out their marshmellows and zot 3 pulled out his GUMDROPS. Zots 1 and 2 gave cover throwing so zot 3 could get a better throw. while zots 1 and 2 were giveing cover throwing the evil stoz hit zot 2 and he was down for the count. Zot 1 was really mad so he charged at the evil stoz. But while he was charging the evil stoz hit him with a marshmellow and zot 1 was down. The evil stoz thought he had won but before he could do his little evil laugh zot 3 came behind the evil stoz and hit him over the head with his GUMDROPS.